Pintados Jay Z

(pony, not hip hop star)

Pintados Jay Z (pony, not hip hop star) is pretty much a Sport Pony Imports pony in a nutshell: Pretty, banger mover, quiet and easy going, and fun (fun!) to ride. He arrived as an 8 year old and learned his changes in about a week (ok fine, two. But still!). This perfectly-mannered and pretty-as-a-picture 15.2h gelding barely touched down in Miami before getting snapped up for his new home. Which made sense because he was (as aforementioned) not only perfectly-mannered and pretty-as-a-picture but also ready to compete 3rd level and schooling 4th. He lives in North Carolina now so you can't buy this one but, 1) His sister is Graffiti is for sale and 2) If you're looking for a pony like JayZ then this is the place to be.

Fill out the  contact form and we'll get things rolling.
